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Hi! I'm Becca

Founder of Dark Goddess Academy.

My Story

I didn't always understand that there was power buried beneath the pain.  Nor did I know that pain could be a tool that would break me free of self-blame, shame, and humiliation from decades of abuse and trauma that I thought would be with me forever.


I had no idea that there was a personal power held within all of it that had the ability to connect me deeper to myself, internal safety, and the self-acceptance I'd been searching for. 


I didn’t know these tools would take me into my honest depths, open me to soul authenticity, and reconnect me to my wild aliveness, joy, and full self-expression.



How it Began...

I was born a spirited, emotionally expressive little girl with the ability to physically see and hear the unseen world. Specifically subconscious emotional truths others hid from the world and preferred to remain in denial about. 


The moment I could talk, I was calling my parents out when they were acting against their internal truth, that's when the abuse began. My knowing scared them, I scared them, so in their attempt to regain control I was hit, shamed and gaslit. Love was used as a bargaining chip to control my behavior and actions. 


I spent years of my life feeling like I was bad. I felt rejected, alone, unwanted, and in constant shock and survival mode.


I felt ashamed, humiliated, and every day just wanted to die.


To survive, I emotionally shut down and became a high-functioning, intellectual achiever hiding behind a "tough girl" mask. I was constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop, bracing for impact and making sure that no one noticed.


It worked for a while but the constant anxiety of having to get it right all the time and the PTSD from my childhood had me locked in a self-punishment cycle that created panic attacks.


What I didn't know was that this was an initiation my soul calling me back to the true heart of who I was.


So, I consumed everything to find my way out. Schools, training, books, experiences, groups, therapy. You name it, I did it and all these things gave me tools that made sense and that helped a little but nothing that actually set me free.


So I figured, if I was going to die a bit each day, let's just make friends with the energy of death.  And this one thought shifted everything.

Embracing Death brought me back to Life!

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Meeting My Dark Goddess

I found that working with the energy of death brought me back to life!


Spirit had been actively guiding me and giving me shadow work tools throughout my life. My acceptance of this opened an entirely new door of inner depths, mystery, and the Dark Goddess.


Instead of running away from the monstrosity I feared inside of me, I turned around and embraced her, embodied her, and expressed her.  The results...I finally felt free, empowered, and more authentic than I had been in decades.  It was like getting a piece of my Soul back that I didn't know I'd lost.


Anxiety and fear were over so much faster! I learned to dive into the hidden depths of my feelings, enter the places I had been ashamed to go, express them and everything changed! Suddenly my voice came back and I was able to let go of the shame I had been carrying that was NEVER MINE! I was able to open my heart, let people in, and feel safe doing it. I relaxed and could FINALLY exhale for what felt like the first time in my whole life! I was free!!!

Becoming The Shadow Worker

This was it!  This was the feeling I'd been looking for! I was home...


This is now my way of life.  I explore myself, my relationships to: others, the divine, humanity, my own pain, joy, and whatever else comes to me through the lens of Shadow Work.  It's not just a tool, it's who I am. 


It all made so much sense and just clicked.  All of a sudden I understood my purpose and how I wanted to be of service to the world. 


To free the voice, power, and energy of the suppressed feminine. Returning her to the true heart of who she really is. Embodying her unlimited freedom of expression, and feeling unconditionally loved and accepted for all of it. 

The Initiations Continue...

Since I said YES to this path of inner intitation my life has completely shifted.


The initiation of Covid laying me off from my job resulted in Spirit guiding me to create a business out of what I've learned. 


So after several iterations, the Dark Goddess Academy was born. I tested it on some gals and the results they got blew me away.  The testimonials and feedback I receive constantly bring me to my knees in humility and happy tears. I absolutely LOVE what I do, how I help, and I am honored to be of service both to Spirit and to my fellow women warriors.


Spirit continues to challenge and guide me daily asking me to become even more of who I am and let go of more of what I am not.  And I love it.  It feels like a friend showing up to hold me in the deep work of the heart that is the truth of who I am.


I now follow my internal depths without question, not external conditions.  


I am now deeply and forever reconnected to my wild-spirited, stubborn little girl. I love her, honor her voice and she helps lead my path. I will never let go of her again. 


Image by Risto Kokkonen

My Creds

Becca studied Energy Healing and Transpersonal Spiritual Counseling for three years beginning in 2009. She graduated from Lionheart Institute in Los Angeles, earning her certification as an Energy Healer, Body/Mind Counselor, and Energy Healing Therapist. She also participated on the teaching team at Lionheart Institute.


In 2018, she completed her training in Depth Psychology, earning her certification in Advanced Body/Mind Therapies from Healers Forum. She was also on the Teaching Team and held the title of C.O.O. for Healers Forum. Becca spent two years in Mystery School, immersed in Archetypal Embodiment, which uses Shamanic and Tantric Practices through ReWilding for Women. After receiving her certification there she became a part of their Support Team for a year.


Becca has studied Psychic Development and Mediumship in several circles. She has taken the CoResolve group conflict course through Lewis Deep Democracy. She has run several workshops and currently runs a weekly women's circle.


Becca believes her constant hunger for learning is essential to expand her Soul’s growth and connect with the divinity that surrounds us in the sacred and mundane. She is passionate about bridging the subconscious and conscious to empower her clients. Becca brings her skills and intuition into everything she does. 

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2024© Becca Hunnicutt. All rights reserved.

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