Hi! I'm Becca.
Let me tell you my story...

When I was little, the world was a magical place. One where I felt connected to life, to unseen realms, and to myself in ways that made me feel safe, loved, happy and invincible. I was a highly sensitive, creative, spitfire.
I was what I felt, I loved that about myself.
That all came to a crashing halt when my brother was born. At three, my Dad who once cheered me on and loved making me feel special, turned into a rage-o-holic. Hitting me every night and saying things like, “you’re stupid, you could screw up a free lunch, why can’t you do anything right”.
My mom chimed in too. I breathed too loud, walked too hard, and made too much noise.
Each time it happened my heart froze, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe and inside I felt confused, betrayed, and unwanted. I knew I didn’t deserve it and I craved to be seen and loved for who I was. I was too young to leave but too sensitive to continue living like this, so in order to survive, I decided to kill off my emotions.
I shut down, cut off from my heart, and shoved my emotions deep down where no one could ever find me again.
I put on the cloak of the “tough get-it-right girl”. You know, the type A, teacher's pet, overachiever, I don’t need anyone girl. I got love and felt valued by what I did for others. If it got me noticed, named, or accolades, then I was a success. I favored intellect and right action over emotion and made all my decisions from there.
I spent years hiding behind the mask of a tough girl who needed help from no one. I was determined to avoid ever feeling shame and humiliation again. Secretly I didn’t trust myself, felt dead inside, and punished myself daily.
I thought that if I could fix my friends' relationships or house or whatever they needed then I would also fix me. But instead I felt alone, and invisible. I’d been in therapy for 15 years with Major Depressive Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder.
Nothing I tried worked and I felt like a failure. I felt that if anyone knew what was going on inside me, they would walk out of my life. I was having panic attacks and trying to hide them, and it just kept escalating until one day I was paralyzed and I just wanted to die.
How was I here again when I was doing it right?
Through it all, I was still connected to the spirit world and one day, in my despair, I received a message, “If you’re already living with death every day, you might as well make friends with it!”
BOOM! That shifted everything for me.

Embracing death brought me back to life!

It unleashed my anger which unlocked my power. I finally felt free! My heart opened and my voice was unleashed. I could breathe again. Finally, I felt like myself. My joy had been locked behind the doors of the pain that I was unwilling to feel. Embracing the pain allowed my joy to return!
This whole time I had been trying to use my mind to heal my heart so I wouldn’t get hurt again. After this major AHA moment, I dove into my depths. I faced my fears head-on every time and through these experiences, a clear path emerged.
I got more healing in one hour than I had in 15 years of therapy. I could clearly see the patterns I’d been living in. I’d been given the keys to interrupt and break them. I was able to respond instead of react and make choices that served me!
A whole new world had opened up to me. Now I express myself freely and confidently. I know my value, I belong to myself and most importantly, I trust myself. I am one with the heart of my inner child and follow my feelings no matter where they lead me.
Magic and joy has come back into my life. I get to follow my own rhythm. I embrace my rebellious nature and will be silent for no one. When I speak my blunt honest truth, the people in my life love it! They crave it, encourage it and support me. I’m finally loved and seen for who I really am.

By embodying all my ugly, scary pieces I was set free, unleashed and now I’m LIVING OUT LOUD!

“If you're alive. Then it means that you're committed to survive.”
~ P!NK